What to Avoid for the Best Results When Selling in Austin

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Today, I have some information for all the homeowners out there. I want to share the four biggest mistakes people make when selling their Austin homes!
  1. Not getting a pre-inspection prior to listing: This is one of the best ways to get the highest return on investment. Whoever ends up buying your home will likely get an inspection, which will usually reveal some defects with your property. A pre-inspection will put you in a position of strength and knowledge when it comes to negotiating. Also, fixing problems ahead of time is cheaper and more time efficient!
  2. Overdoing upgrades: In Austin and the surrounding areas, on average, you are not going to get a positive return on investment by making huge upgrades. I highly recommend staying clear of risky upgrades and focusing on things that will net you a positive return.
  3. Not staging your home: Study after study has proved that getting your home staged is going to help a seller net significantly more money! If you're currently living in the home, a huge benefit of working with our team is we pay for a free consultation with one of our expert stagers, who will show you how to best arrange your home for buyers. Staging is a great way to get buyers to emotionally connect to your home.
  4. Pricing too high: It's our job to make sure you net the highest amount of money possible for your home. There's a method we use to ensure you get top dollar for your home. Instead of just looking at historical sales, we can actually predict what is going to happen in two to three months simply by looking at the market absorption rate. Using this strategy, we can help you maximize the value of your home!

If you have any questions about this topic, or if you need real estate assistance of any kind, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to help you make the most of your next real estate transaction!